Vi på Vems tur är det? gillar ju topplistor, det är sen gammalt. Vi presenterar därför våra topp 50 brädspel just nu i två specialavsnitt där Johan och Brisse, med gästen Micke från Mindy går igenom sina listor och pratar om sina val. I detta avsnitt presenteras platserna 50 till och med 26. Vi har alla gjort varsin topp 100-lista (och mer rent tekniskt sett) men vi kör bara topp 50, för det känns mest relevant. Men som vi nämner i avsnittet så har vi gått igenom listorna i förväg för att ha lite koll och de presenteras nedan för den som är nyfiken. Här finns även lista över 50-26 så ni kan läsa i lugn och ro i efterhand. Om två veckor kommer den rafflande finalen med platserna 25-1.
Johans 26-100
26 Rurik: Dawn of Kiev – Kickstarter Edition
27 Joraku
28 Root
29 Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition
30 A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition)
31 Terraforming Mars
32 The Staufer Dynasty
33 Shakespeare
34 Lords of Waterdeep
35 Furnace
36 Blood Bowl
37 Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia
38 Crown of Emara
39 Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun
40 Orléans
41 Gùgōng
42 Grand Austria Hotel
43 Barrage
44 Rising Sun
45 No Thanks!
46 Architects of the West Kingdom
47 Tzolk’in: The Mayan Calendar
48 Akrotiri
49 Greed
50 Rajas of the Ganges
51 Village
52 Taluva
53 Guilds
54 Outlive
55 Star Wars: Imperial Assault
56 War of the Ring
57 Dominant Species
58 Food Chain Magnate
59 Arkham Horror: The Card Game
60 Ragusa
61 Nusfjord
62 Cartographers
63 Kanagawa
64 Dinosaur Island
65 Dragon Castle
66 T.I.M.E Stories
67 Startups
68 Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game
69 Tiny Towns
70 Hyperborea
71 Tragedy Looper
72 Inis
73 Key Flow
74 Castles of Mad King Ludwig
75 Viticulture
76 Edge of Darkness
77 Blood Rage
78 Santa Maria
80 Viceroy
81 Yukon Airways
82 Pandemic: Fall of Rome
83 Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game
84 The Voyages of Marco Polo
85 Carcassonne
86 Mystery Rummy: Jack the Ripper
87 Clans of Caledonia
88 The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game
89 London (Second Edition)
90 Among Nobles
91 Newton
92 It’s a Wonderful World
93 Star Wars: Outer Rim
94 Empires
95 Keyflower
96 Pandemic
97 Charterstone
98 Veiled Fate
99 Reykholt
100 Gentes
Mickes 26-100
26 This War of Mine: The Board Game
27 Lords of Waterdeep
28 Great Western Trail
29 Furnace
30 Dominations: Road to Civilization
31 Mombasa
32 The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth
33 Springvikarierna
34 Dinosaur Island
35 Patchwork
36 Wavelength
37 Time’s Up! Title Recall!
38 Decrypto
39 Just One
40 Dixit
41 Joking Hazard
42 Trails of Tucana
43 Welcome To…
44 Crash Octopus
46 Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
47 Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition
48 A Fake Artist Goes to New York
49 Terra Mystica
50 The Castles of Burgundy
51 Corinth
52 Debatable
53 Cartographers
54 7 Wonders Duel
55 Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition
56 No Thanks!
57 Skyjo
58 One Night Ultimate Werewolf
59 Hive
60 Braggart
61 Capital Lux
62 Small World of Warcraft
63 Undaunted: Normandy
64 Village
65 Um Reifenbreite
66 Lost Cities
67 Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
68 City of Iron
69 Russian Railroads
70 The Networks
71 Rolling Ranch
72 It’s a Wonderful World
73 Five Tribes: The Djinns of Naqala
74 For Sale
75 Power Grid
76 Codenames
77 Qwirkle
78 Bunny Kingdom
79 Secret Hitler
80 Santa Maria
81 HeroQuest
82 Hollywood
83 Carcassonne
84 Incan Gold
85 Stockpile
86 Star Wars: Jabba’s Palace – A Love Letter Game
87 Hey! That’s My Fish! Deluxe
88 Code breaker
89 War of the Ring: Second Edition
90 Firefly: The Game
91 Star Wars: Outer Rim
92 Heard mentality
93 Qwixx
94 The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine
95 Targi
96 VS System
97 Diamonds
98 Victoriana
99 Coup
100 Memoir ’44
Brisses 26-100
26 Last Will
27 The Golden Sails
28 Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
29 Coup
30 Deus
31 The Quacks of Quedlinburg
32 The Taverns of Tiefenthal
33 Calimala
34 Star Wars: Rebellion
35 Seasons
36 Mystery Rummy: Jack the Ripper
37 Cursed Court
38 Terraforming Mars
39 Draftosaurus
40 Cartographers
41 A Study in Emerald
42 Santa Maria
43 The Quest for El Dorado
44 Heckmeck
45 Orléans
46 Junk Art
47 Nidavellir
48 Vampire: The Masquerade Vendetta
49 Offshore
50 The Boldest
51 Lost Ruins of Arnak
52 Cooper Island
53 Sleeping Gods
54 Mind MGMT: The Psychic Espionage ”Game”
55 Meeple Circus
56 Metropolys
57 Rajas of the Ganges
58 For Sale
59 Raiders of Scythia
60 Trails of Tucana
61 Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
62 Undaunted: Normandy/North Africa
63 Clans of Caledonia
64 Colosseum
65 The Princes of Florence
66 Hadara
67 Point Salad
68 Tiny Towns
69 Glen More II: Chronicles
70 Fort
71 Race for the Galaxy
72 Equinox
73 Versailles 1919
74 High Society
75 Wavelength
76 Rattus
77 Dominare
78 Idus Martii
79 Space Base
80 Q.E.
81 Wingspan
82 Masons
83 The Bloody Inn
84 NMBR 9
85 Star Wars: Outer Rim
86 Vengeance
87 Bronze
88 Hyperborea
89 Detective: City of Angels
90 CoraQuest
91 Suburbia
92 Cyclades
93 Shogun
94 Monikers
95 Discworld: Ankh-Morpork
96 The Crew
97 Dominion
98 Kikkasai
99 Cascadia
100 Viscounts of the West Kingdom